Blue Snowball Microphone Driver Download
You could download the latestversion of Blue Snowball driver onthis page. Please choose theproper driver according to yourcomputer system information andclick download button. All driversavailable for download are securewithout any viruses and ads.If you need more help, please contact us or participate in the discussion in our.Blue Snowball. Description: Blue Snowball Installer. File Version: File Size: 41.5 MB. Supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1/ 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP.
Firstly make sure that the USB connecting into the microphone itself is upright and matches the shape of the socket as that is a common mistake.If that is not the issue than:While the microphone is plugged in and unrecognized, open the Device Manager.Then find the Blue Snowball in the list, it will most likely be something along the lines of 'Unrecognized Device'.Right click it, and click uninstall.Then unplug the cable from both the snowball and the computer, wait a while, and plug them back in.It should now be recognized. I had the same problem, and checked everywhere online and all the solutions were way to trivial to be a solution like unpluging it, or flipping the input plug. I finally figured whu the drivery wasnot working, it's because it shouldn't have one. When you plug it in windows assumes it needs a driver to run so it finds one but it doesn't work and you are left with an unrecognized mic. Steps to fix this are as follows:1. Uninstall driver for the device2.
Disconnect mic3. Plug it back in4. When the bubble pops up that it's installing the driver click on it5. A window should appear and near the bottom it should have a blue link that asks if you want windows to stop looking for a driver in windows update6. It should then load and recognize the device as a blue micNote: The first time I did this it didn't work but it was because I was too slow on clicking the blue link, even though I still had tinto click it. If this happens repeat the process but step your game up and move quicker.
I had the same problem, and checked everywhere online and all the solutions were way to trivial to be a solution like unpluging it, or flipping the input plug. I finally figured whu the drivery wasnot working, it's because it shouldn't have one. When you plug it in windows assumes it needs a driver to run so it finds one but it doesn't work and you are left with an unrecognized mic. Steps to fix this are as follows:1. Uninstall driver for the device2.
Disconnect mic3. Plug it back in4. When the bubble pops up that it's installing the driver click on it5. A window should appear and near the bottom it should have a blue link that asks if you want windows to stop looking for a driver in windows update6. It should then load and recognize the device as a blue micNote: The first time I did this it didn't work but it was because I was too slow on clicking the blue link, even though I still had tinto click it. If this happens repeat the process but step your game up and move quicker. Good luckOMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
IT WORKED FOR ME!!!!! I had the same problem, and checked everywhere online and all the solutions were way to trivial to be a solution like unpluging it, or flipping the input plug. I finally figured whu the drivery wasnot working, it's because it shouldn't have one. When you plug it in windows assumes it needs a driver to run so it finds one but it doesn't work and you are left with an unrecognized mic.

Steps to fix this are as follows:1. Uninstall driver for the device2.
Disconnect mic3. Plug it back in4. When the bubble pops up that it's installing the driver click on it5. A window should appear and near the bottom it should have a blue link that asks if you want windows to stop looking for a driver in windows update6. It should then load and recognize the device as a blue micNote: The first time I did this it didn't work but it was because I was too slow on clicking the blue link, even though I still had tinto click it. If this happens repeat the process but step your game up and move quicker.
Thanks for this. Was slightly different under Windows 10 but same basic idea.Under Windows 10:1. When you plug it in Windohs will automatically install the driver.At this point, I was seeing it listed under Control Panel Sound Recording Devices (volume bar moved and everything) and I was seeing it Device Manager. However, when I would try to set it up as the microphone for Windows Speech, I would click through to the screen where you're supposed to start talking and then get this lovely error. TLDR; if you just want it to work with Windows Speech Recognition (WSR), skip to the end and try the registry hack.So. I just happened to be going through a clean install of Windows 10 for an entirely different issue and I retried my steps above with no success. I started going through and trying a myriad of different things while keeping very detailed notes.At one point many uninstall/unplug/replug/reboot cycles in, I decided to try doing the setup via settings instead of launching my WSR shortcut for it.
Got the same 'Peter talks to his computer.' Dialog, this time without any error pop-ups. Although it mentioned Cortana this time instead of WSR. Then I went back to control panel, skipped the mic setup, and went straight to train your computer. Was able to go through several screens without any problems (didn't complete it, was just testing). At that point, I started thinking that maybe WSR is just getting stuck on something.Since my mic was obviously working with the default drivers, I decided to see if I could get WSR to quit being an idiot.
Blue Snowball Microphone Drivers
After playing around in the registry, I found that simply changing one value did the trick. No more restarts/mucking around withh drivers.So, assuming you just want it to work with WSR and it is already picking up sound in the dialogs I described above, the below command should do the trick. I'll probably end up doing another clean install sometime in the near future and will try to confirm if any mucking with the drivers is required at all or not prior to this. I suspect that the default driver might be just fine and WSR is the only one with the hang-up.from command prompt run (all on one line).