Fingerprint Capture Software Download카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 14. 15:45
Biometric time keeping devices allow employers to provide highly secure time, attendance and access control for their workplaces. Biometric data capture devices authenticate users based on saved templates created during enrollment. Select from traditional fingerprint biometric devices, hand/palm scanners and readers, or facial recognition technology.about the advantages of biometric data capture for workforce management in our blog.Browse by authentication method below:Fingerprint Authentication:. or SYnergy/M.Hand/Palm Authentication:. HP1000(E).
Hp Fingerprint Software Download
Capture Lighting Software
HP2000(E). HP3000(E). HP4000(E)Facial Recognition Authentication:. SY940 (Attendance & Access Control). (Attendance & Access Control). SY110 (Access Control).
Biometric Fingerprint Reader plug-in allows for fast identification and secure verification capabilities that enable your FileMaker Pro scripts to recognize individual users without requiring passwords or card swipes.This technology can be used to recognize and authenticate individuals based on who they are, instead of what they know (passwords or PINs) or what they possess (keys or swipe cards). This can be used in a variety of ways - from sign-on and confirmation of important actions to special approvals by other users - to help combat fraud and boost customer efficiency. Full Specifications What's new in version 2.01Version 2.01: This plug-in and its installer is now code-signed, introducing an extra level of security that ensures the plug-in package is not compromised in any way.Added new function 'PCFPGetReaderProperty( ReaderID; PropertyName )' that returnsthe value of the specified propery for the chosen reader (blank returns the property of the current reader).Added new function 'PCFPCalibrateReader( ReaderID )' that runs the specified reader's Calibration routine, if it can calibrate.